The man after the paintbrush

About Julio

Julio is an usual character at his native neighbourhood La Milagrosa, in Lugo (Galicia, northwest of Spain). When he founded Café Bianco he came to be a known business owner in the city of Lugo.
During his years in the business he was always in love with the art. He started hanging good quality paintings in his bar from known artists of his city, also even fromnew artists, those being frequent guests in his “cafeteria”. That’s how he starts to go through the art¡s world, in a late way but with lots of energy and expectations.

It’s when he met López Guntín and after making an exposition of his paintings on his bar, that he started tovisit him in his studio, spending whole afternoons watching how this famous painter worked and starting to paint his own works.. After knowing that other famous artists also started their careers late, he pushed himself to create his own style, with the influence of authores like Lago Rivera amd Tino Grandío.

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